New tool will help you get ready for the CSDDD

29 August 2024

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is a critical new regulatory framework to foster responsible business practices across industries and value chains. To assist companies in aligning with these stringent requirements, Nordic Sustainability offers a CSDDD maturity screening, along with a tool that can be utilised by any company wanting to operationalise their due diligence work.

Only 6%

of the world’s leading companies

are ready to meet human rights due diligence requirements

The CSDDD tool is ideal for

  • Companies with no or little experience and knowledge about due diligence that are looking for a structured ‘check-list’ of the content of the directive translated into business operational language
  • Companies that already have some elements of a due diligence process in place* and that wish to understand their maturity and readiness level against the very specific requirements in CSDDD

*implemented as part of their CSRD implementation, adherence to voluntary frameworks or national due diligence legislation

With this tool, we offer you:

  1. Simplifying and organising the legislative text into digestible pieces of information
  2. Translating complex legal provisions into a set of business operational questions
  3. Providing guidance and references to other standards and best practice where the legislation gives insufficient instructions and guidance
  4. Ensuring a proper assessment of your internal documentation practice
  5. Provide you insightful analytics by summarising results, including your company’s strengths and weaknesses, visually
  6. Providing you with the foundation for building an action plan and deciding on the next steps in your CSDDD implementation journey

Getting ready requires action already now

CSDDD implementation timeline


Reach out to our in-house experts to hear more about the tool and request a demo.


Read more

Due diligence legislation:

International guidelines:




Get ready for the next wave of due diligence regulations

Find out how your company should prepare for the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and catalyse positive change

Read here

Author details

Maja Johannessen

Head of Innovation and Knowledge, Senior Manager

Anna Katharina Bierre

Senior Consultant

Anna Kathrina