Parathan Balachandran (he/him)

Senior Consultant

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Parathan Balachandran (he/him)

Senior Consultant

Parathan is part of our strategy team, helping integrate sustainability at the core of our clients’ business models.

Before joining Nordic Sustainability, Parathan acquired extensive experience in areas such as renewable energy, corporate strategy, commercial due diligence, and sustainability strategy projects. His background in infrastructure M&A and strategy consulting has equipped him with a wide toolkit. His portfolio of clients has been broad and includes private equity funds, large corporates, SMEs and government-owned entities.

Parathan holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Copenhagen. Throughout his academic career, he primarily focused his efforts on the renewable energy sector.

It's not just about investing in the green transition. It's equally important to channel time and resources into a shift from a traditional linear thinking towards a more circular and sustainability-focused business approach. This will be crucial to win in the future.

Parathan Balachandran

Senior Consultant