C40 Cities commissioned Nordic Sustainability to support the preparation for the 2022 C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards with the purpose of identifying the most ambitious, impactful, and inclusive global climate projects delivered by cities.
The brief
In preparation for the C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards, Nordic Sustainability developed a scoring methodology to assess, score and shortlist applications. 70 cities applied and the winners were announced at the 2022 C40 World Mayors Summit in Buenos Aires.
city applications
Our approach
The project was divided into two phases: 1) the development of the scoring criteria, and 2) the scoring of the applications.
During the first phase of the project, Nordic Sustainability developed the scoring methodology used to assess the city applications. Six scoring criteria – covering areas such as climate impact, innovation, and scalability – were developed alongside a detailed scoring system outlining high-medium-low thresholds for each of the criteria.
In addition, two supporting documents were developed: an application form for the cities to fill out, and an application guide providing the cities with further guidance on the application process and details on the methodological basis for the scoring.
The second phase consisted of the actual scoring of the city applications. Using the methodology developed in the previous stage, Nordic Sustainability’s project team shortlisted the applications, after which workshops – one per award category – with topic experts from C40 were organised. Together with the C40 experts, finalists for each award category were nominated. The winners were chosen by an external jury of influential climate leaders, philanthropists and city decision-makers.
As part of the first project phase, a robust scoring methodology and supporting documents were developed and delivered. A key deliverable of the second phase was an Excel sheet with detailed assessments of all the city applications. This sheet broke down the precise scoring and rationale for each of the criteria points.
To help clearly present the information, Nordic Sustainability further created a template for the briefing of the jury who selected the winners.
The level of professionalism and attention to detail provided by Nordic Sustainability was superb. Esben, Bea and David were attentive, honest and provided great advice throughout.