Thoughts 6 May 2019 6 May 2019

Let’s talk about what “real” sustainability actually is

BY Sven Beyersdorff
Thoughts 3 April 2019 3 Apr 2019

25 reasons why more wood in our buildings can tackle climate change

BY Esben Samsø Lanthén
Thoughts 2 April 2019 2 Apr 2019

Call for city solutions!

BY Pernille Jægerfelt Mouritsen
Thoughts 22 March 2019 22 Mar 2019

The conundrum of flying: Why I didn’t go to Al Gore’s Climate Reality training

BY Pernille Jægerfelt Mouritsen
Thoughts 13 March 2019 13 Mar 2019

Nordic game-changers: here’s your chance to win S$ 1 million

BY Esben Samsø Lanthén
Thoughts 31 January 2019 31 Jan 2019

How dumpster diving made us reflect on the line between professionalism and activism

BY Sven Beyersdorff
Thoughts 10 January 2019 10 Jan 2019

In Brazil, sharing Copenhagen’s climate solutions

BY Pernille Jægerfelt Mouritsen
Thoughts 20 October 2018 20 Oct 2018

The P4G Summit was a successful start – now the hard work begins (commenting live on TV2 News)

BY Esben Samsø Lanthén
Thoughts 5 June 2018 5 Jun 2018

Pushing the agenda on SDG implementation with NCM and CBSS – report launch at EUSBSR forum

BY Sven Beyersdorff
Thoughts 4 May 2018 4 May 2018

Are we looking towards a 2019 green Danish election race?

BY Esben Samsø Lanthén
Thoughts 18 April 2018 18 Apr 2018

Op-ed: Remember, we haven’t yet reached the SDGs in the Nordics (Mandag Morgen Weekly)

BY Esben Samsø Lanthén
Thoughts 10 April 2018 10 Apr 2018

New podcast: SDG Leadership in the Baltic Sea Region

BY Esben Samsø Lanthén